About Grants 4 Animals LLC
Writing With Compassion 



I'm Stephanie Mathers, Founder and CEO of Grants 4 Animals LLC. I have been an animal lover my whole life, and Grants 4 Animals is the manifestation of my desire to live a life in true alignment with my purpose and values. 

Creating Grants 4 Animals allowed me to integrate my love of animals, writing, project management, and systems into one mission of helping nonprofits that help animals.

After earning my BA in English, I spent most of my career in secondary education. I served in multiple roles, from high school English teacher to middle school Principal. Along the way, I earned a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and an endorsement in Educational Leadership.

I have been writing grants for animal nonprofits and educational institutions for over a decade. My experience ranges from foundational and corporate grants to state and federal grants. Since starting Grants 4 Animals, I have helped earn, manage, and report on over 3 million dollars of grants for animal-related nonprofits! 

Along the way, I developed systems and processes that can help any grant writer or nonprofit be successful. Through full-service grant writing, comprehensive courses, and a la carte resources, I hope Grants for Animals helps those working toward a more compassionate world.

I love connecting with other nonprofits and grant writers. Please feel free to email me and say hi: [email protected].

- Stephanie

Partner With Grants 4 Animals!

If you are an animal lover, vegan business, or are otherwise interested in helping nonprofits that help animals, here are some ways we can work together 

  • Corporations or individuals can gift a scholarship to Train Your Own Grant Writer to a nonprofit. Learn more HERE or email me.
  • Donate grant writing or consulting to nonprofits who are interested in this service.
  • I work with a variety of referral partners to help support nonprofits. If you provide a service other than grant writing to animal-related nonprofits, please reach out to discuss how we can work together. 

If you would like to explore working together for the benefit of nonprofits and animals, please email me at [email protected]


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Let me help set you up for success and sustainability with monthly tips about grants, fundraising, systems, and tools.  

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